
A number of parishoners have expressed to me, concerns on a number of issues that are of concern to them. This has gone a long way in shaping the agenda to run with.

What I would like to see for Caldecote, Toft & Kingston

  1. Reduction in the number of proposed houses in the new development to a more reasonable level, suited to the characteristics of the village of Caldecote. Amenities appropriate to the size of the village should be provided before any further development takes place.
  2. Increase in the pumping station capacity, which has continually overflowed particularly during wet weather. Anglia Water and South Cambs District Council Planning Department must accept that there is a problem and agreement reached on upgrading the station prior to any further development taking place.
  3. Working together with Fiona Whelan the County Councillor and the Parish Council to ensure that the speed thumps are replaced with more appropriate traffic calming measures.
  4. Improvement in the provision of bus services through the village, to assist those who do not have their own transport and to enable the more elderly folk to access the services they need that are outside the village.
  5. More local leisure or entertainment facilities for young people, or easier access to such facilities where these are available in neighbouring villages. This, I hope should help to reduce vandalism and yobbish behaviour caused by this group of residents.
  6. Provision of traffic calming measures for High Street, Toft, for safety of the residents that live on that road.
  7. Provision of care for the elderly in our villages is under threat and I will be fighting hard, to ensure care provided for those who need it.
  8. Budget cuts are inevitable in the current financial climate. However, I promise to fight hard on behalf of our villages to ensure that we essential services are not cut, and that the funds we do have are not wasted on white elephant projects.


We face challenging times in the coming years, but I firmly believe that if we work together, we can minimise the impact on our communities, and come through stronger.

If there are any other issues you would like to see on the agenda, please use the Contact Form on this website to send me a message.




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