cambridgeshire county council

Bus Subsidies – What Cambridgeshire County Want You To Know

Recently, we received the brief  below from the Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) Passenger Transport Service, to inform about what CCC is doing with bus subsidies and the so called Cambridgeshire Future Transport (CFT) Project. Enjoy ….. __________________________________ Around 80 per cent of public transport in Cambridgeshire is run commercially with the remaining 20 per cent […]

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Lib Dems Fight To Reverse 25 Per Cent Allowance Increase

As I mentioned in my previous post on the 25 per cent pay increase that the County Councillors voted for last week, the game is not over yet. Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrats in a motion to Cambridgeshire County Council on December 7, will call for the increase in members’ allowances to be rescinded and the previous scheme […]

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