Caldecote Community Liaison Group

The Caldecote Community Liaison Group was set up by South Cambridgeshire District Council in 2020. The Council recognises the increased level of development the village will be taking over the next few years, and potential impacts on the residents.

What is the Liaison Group

Caldecote Community Liaison Group (CCLG) set up by South Cambs to facilitate resolution of issues arising from increased development in the village. It brings together the following

  • District Council – Planning and Enforcement officers, community officers
  • Parish Council
  • Developers – Major developments, Linden Homes and Balfour Beatty Homes

The Group meets in order to discuss the ongoing developments and its effect on the community

How does the Liaison Group work

As the District Councillor, I chair the meetings of the CCLG. The South Cambs Community Development Officer assists me. We aim to meet once a quarter at the outset, unless events show that we need to meet more often.

Meetings are currently online due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

Prior to the next meeting, the Community development officer writes to the members of the group to ask for items they may wish to discuss.

In general, the developers give an update on the progress of their build and if it is on track or not and why. In addition, they report on any particular issues that the community reported and how they resolved them. The community representatives report on any issues or complaints made to them and resolution if any. The views of the community and developer tend not to align.

In most cases, residents report on noise, breach of planning conditions, deliveries and nuisance (of any sort). We discuss ways to resolve and decide who takes action and set timescale for reporting back. We then let residents know the outcome of the action.

Liasion Group Reporting Process

Residents who may wish to report any issues to do with either the Linden Homes build (along Highfields Road) or the Balfour Beatty build (on Grafton Drive) should contact the site managers immediately in the first instance. This is especially important if the infringement or problem is seeing happening – just go to the site and ask to speak to the site manager. They are:

Linden Homes: Mick Mcgann
Balfour Beatty: Andy Pates

If you are unable to speak to the site manager, then please report the incidents to me and to the Parish Council Chairperson Cllr Helen Cartwright at One or the other of us will take the matter up as soon as we can.

In all cases, keep a record of dates and times of the incidents, and any contact attempt or discussions you had with the site manager. If you take a picture use the setting where it has the date and time stamp as proof on the picture.

Grafton Drive is a private road in the ownership of the residents with a Management Company that deals with its upkeep. There are 3 resident directors of the company. I urge residents to make sure they know who they are and have a means of contacting them. Issues to do with access and rights over Grafton Drive are purely matters for the Management Company and not for the District Council.

The District Council deals with planning and enforcement to do with the site.

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