
Transport Minister confirms Government Intentions to invest in EWR

The Cambridge City MP and Cambridge Ahead spoke out some weeks ago on the issue of EWR as you would have seen in the local papers. They also wrote to the Transport Minister Grant Shapps MP who had made some off the cuff comments during his bid for the Conservative Leadership role.

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District Council Elections 2022

All 45 South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) seats went up for election on Thursday 5th May 2022 in the 4-year election cycle that started in 2018. The Liberal Democrats retain administration of SCDC by gaining 6 seats to a total of 37.

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South Cambridgeshire Residents Encouraged to Engage with Local Plan Consultation

Lots of people ask why they should bother responding to a Council consultation. After all, it doesn’t make any difference, does it? All those bureaucrats have already made up their minds, and they’ll just steam ahead regardless. I understand the sentiment which is based on past experience with previous local plans. But this time, it […]

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First Proposals for Greater Cambridge Local Plan Published for Consultation

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan aims to identify development needs of our area, where they should be met and how they should be met. The documents released today for public engagement show the first ideas of policies and sites that we propose to use to meet the needs identified.

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North East Cambridge Proposed For New Local Plan

North East Cambridge and Cambridge Airport are two major brownfield sites that are proposed for new low-carbon neighbourhoods in the First Proposals for the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan. The current adopted local plans for South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City identifies both sites for longer term development beyond 2031.

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Consultation on Vision for Oxford-Cambridge Arc

The Government through the Ministry of Housing, Community & Local Government (MHCLG) has today issued a consultation paper on its vision for the Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Arc. The MHCLG is seeking views from the public that will help to create the vision for the OxCam Spatial Framework, which is to guide the future growth of the […]

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Roadmap out of Lockdown #3

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday 22nd February a roadmap out of the current lockdown. The roadmap comprises four sets of key dates. Each successive step will be taken on if it is safe to do so after analysing test data

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National Lockdown 3 – Dos and Dont’s

So Lockdown#3 is upon us, not unexpected for those of us who had been watching the statistics closely. Never-the-less, it is still comes at a time when many thought we could begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel because of the two vaccines that have been licenced for use in the […]

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Broadband for rural communities

Broadband provision is now top of the agenda for communities largely due to Covid19. The need to work from home and children accessing schooling online has shown up the deficit that still exists in provision in rural areas. The question is -what is being done about it?

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Flight Stacking Changes at London-Luton Airport

London Luton Airport (LLA) is proposing to change its flight path and holding area for flights arriving at the airport, and is asking residents in South Cambridgeshire to comment on its proposals. A number of questions come to mind.

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