
Development Proposal for 74 homes in Highfields Caldecote rejected by Planning Committee

South Cambs Planning Committee yesterday refused an application by Linden Homes to build 74 homes on a site off Highfields Road Caldecote. That is because it did not meet Local Plan and Village Design Guide policies.

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Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Publishes Annual Report on Homes and Facilities

The adopted Local Plans 2018 for both councils South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City, set a housing requirement of 33,500 homes to be built between 2011 and 2031 for Greater Cambridge. This means that to reach this objective, houses must be built at an average of 1,675 dwellings a year.

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Green Planning Proposals Protects Villages

The First Proposals Consultation for the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan concluded on 13 December 2021 after a 6-week public engagement period. Thank you to all who took the time to read the consultation documents and send in their comments.

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Water Resources East Consulting on Water Resources Plan for Eastern England

Water Resources East yesterday launched their much awaited consultation on the emerging Water Resources Regional Plan for Eastern England. The Plan proposes medium to long term solutions for meeting the water supply needs of South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City.

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First Proposals Consultation for Local Plan Have You Had Your Say?

The First Proposals Preferred Options consultation opened to the public on 1st November 2021. The two councils South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City are asking residents in the Greater Cambridge Area for their views on the proposals put forward for developing the area for the 20 year period from 2020 to 2041.

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First Proposals for Greater Cambridge Local Plan approved by Cabinet for Consultation

Local plan is an important set of document for identifying development needs of our area, where they should be met, and how they should be met. South Cambs Cabinet on Friday approved the First Proposals for the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan for Public Consultation in November 2021.

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Planning a City for our Children to Inherit

Cambridge City Council Leader, Lewis Herbert wrote in this weeks Cambridge Independent, explaining again in clear terms the reasons for the preferred options, first proposals we have put forward in the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan. Too many are struggling to rent, never mind buy. Trainee nurses, newly-appointed teachers and hundreds of people in their […]

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Cambourne Proposal for New Local Plan

Cambourne Town started life as three linked villages of Lower Cambourne, Cambourne and Upper Cambourne, with up to 4250 homes and a business park. The 2018 Local Plan contained a new allocation Policy SS/8 for a new mixed use development at Cambourne West.

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GC Local Plan Rebuttal to MP

Setting the record straight for the benefit of those needlessly scaremongering

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First Proposals for Greater Cambridge Local Plan Is Centred on Greener Living

The two Councils, Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council published the First Proposals for the new joint Greater Cambridge Local Plan yesterday. This is also called the Preferred Options stage of the plan making process.

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