First Proposals Consultation for Local Plan Have You Had Your Say?

The First Proposals Preferred Options consultation opened to the public on 1st November 2021. The two councils South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City are asking residents in the Greater Cambridge Area for their views on the proposals put forward for developing the area for the 20 year period from 2020 to 2041.

The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning service has had a number of responses already but are encouraging residents who have not yet done so, to please feed in their comments.

We are #PlanningWithOurCommunities

The First Proposals are based on feedback residents gave us at the First Conversation last year. It is Climate change friendly by making use of existing site allocations in the current 2018 local plans of both Councils, and proposing new allocations near to good transport links to minimise carbon emission.

We are #GreeningSouthCambridgeshire

It is ahead of the curve on climate change issues in proposing green policies to assist in achieving net zero carbon buildings, biodiversity net gain of 20%, increasing tree cover, managing water use in homes etc. The webinar we held on this is very informative.

Water is an issue that we recognise in the plan. The Councils are not responsible for supply but working with partners to find solutions. Water Resources East is preparing its Water Management Plan for the region for the period up to 2050, and expect to consult on it in 2022.

We want to #PlanTheWorldWeNeed

For Transport infrastructure, we are working with the Combined Authority, Greater Cambridge Partnership, National Highways and East West Rail who are the bodies providing the capacity needed.

The consultation is on a digital platform, the first time this has been done here. It is structured in a way that you can easily go to the themes that interest you without having to plough through loads of other stuff. Our planning policy communications teams have been shortlisted finalists twice recently for their ground breaking work on community engagement following on from the First Conversation. This consultation platform is exciting so have a play with it.

Please #HaveYourSay

Check out this short video first.

Introduction to Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals

Then click on the First Proposal consultation webpage to check out more information, play with the interactive map and fill in the response form.

Please don’t leave it till last minute. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

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South Cambridgeshire Residents Encouraged to Engage with Local Plan Consultation

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