New Year Resolutions

In some ways, we thrive on traditions. Its what society seems to hang on or is it the other way round, traditions hold up society. Whichever it is, none is more international than making new year resolutions.

I must admit that I have not made any specific resolutions for 2020. All I have determined to do is to be a better me, to continue on the journey that I am already on now, but making sure I enjoy the journey more than I have done so far.

What the heck do I mean by that?

It means that I know I am in the right place at the right time for a specific purpose. However, rather than just getting on with it, I have realised that the purpose is not the be all and end all. The journey is just important as the purpose, and so I must enjoy that journey. So how do I do that? I create as much “me time” as I need, for rest and recreation to keep me in balance. I think the new term for that is “wellbeing”. Here’s some of what I do.


During the year, I rediscovered a hobby – drumming. I love hand drums, and remember drumming for the first time when I was in secondary school. I had messed up my audition and did not get in the choir. So I did the next best thing to keep me close to the music.

Tumis favourite djembe

Prior to my entry into politics, I had collected a number of hand drums. They included a pair of Nigerian congas, a bongo set, bata, sakara and three talking drums. Also a Turkish doumbek and a beautifully carved Iranian goblet or Tombak drum that I bought in Istanbul market.

The collection of hand percussion instruments are mostly of Nigerian origin. They include sekere, agogo (bells), shakers, rain sticks, tambourines etc. The 6-foot rain stick came from a shop in Sweden, but it makes such a beautiful sound! Time and tide ran away from me, and life happened. So much so to the point where the collection of drums sat in my lounge or office collecting dust and the percussion stuff in storage out of sight.

I found a drumming circle, dusted off the drums, and have been playing again. Sometimes I just jam to music in my living room during my me-time. The highlight of the year for me was jamming “Route 66” with the Kingston Blues Band at their last gig in November in Kingston Village Hall. That was so much fun.


Yes I still sing and miss being in a regular choir. But a girl can only do so much! I get to sing with my church choir on occasions such as Easter and Christmas. I reckon I must have attended eight carol singing events in 2019. My vocal cords were tired by Christmas day itself, but I loved it, and the opportunity to sing descants to some of those carols.

Craft and Sewing

The hustle and bustle of politics does get a bit too much, and getting away from it without leaving the house or disturbing my family with “noise” is also important. In 2019 I picked up two new hobbies, making african fabric themed jewellery and sewing. I replaced my ancient sewing machine with one of the new Janome electric self threading ones. Its not really self threading as I still have to feed the thread through the easy parts, whilst the machine does the final bit through the eye of the needle. When your eyesight is playing tricks like mine is now, a threader is a welcome feature.

The other fun piece of kit I treated myself to is a glue gun!! Who knew there is fun to be had gluing things together with hot glue, getting fingers singed just a bit and peeling off dried glue from same fingers.

Handmade christmas decoration with African fabric

So what have I made so far? All manner of items including a couple of tops for me, a jacket half made, a couple of cape for dressing up as reindeers for a jazzercise class point (that was so much fun), scrunchies, head bands, bookmarks, bows, christmas decorations, tote bags, computer bag and earrings of course. There is something therapeutic about using your hands and imagination helped with the right tools. Some Mondays when my schedule allows, I attend a local craft group to enjoy the company of other crafters over a cup of tea and lots of banter as we each do our thing.


This activity is for my physical wellbeing. After a very stressful first half of 2017 when I nearly ran myself into the ground, I had to take a few steps back and regroup. I had gotten used to working three time zones in the business which meant I was short on sleep. Even though I looked fit I would be quickly out of breath if I ran more than ten metres! So I looked for ways to get fit without running and without going to the gym! Tall order or not?

Getting Jazzercise anniversary bag

I was looking around for Zumba class when in October 2017 I found Jazzercise Cambourne. I got a one week try-all-classes deal and by the end of the week had signed up for one year! This form of exercise suits me to a T.

Its exercising and dancing to high energy pulsating music. What is not to like for an African woman with rhythm in her bones?! And I am supporting a local business too. The business owner and instructors are all so warm and friendly as are fellow jazzercisers. I can usually fit in a class (or two) in a day due to the variety of classes and times. As you can see, I am all the better for it. Check out their facebook page too where you’ll find loads to encourage you.

Spiritual stuff

As human beings, there are three parts to our makeup namely body, soul and spirit. So far I have talked about the activities that keep the first two elements going. I know lots of people do not like to talk about spiritual stuff, especially when it is generally linked to “church” or religion. For me, the spiritual element is like the third leg in a three-legged stool. Miss one and the stool is unusable.

Yes, I am a person of faith, and my christian faith is an integral part of who I am. Though I grew up in the Methodist tradition, I came to a personal faith in 1984 after I moved to the UK, but on holiday in France! Yup, bit convoluted. I am by no means a perfect Ambassador for Christ, but I do try my best, so please don’t shoot God down in your mind because I am flawed.

Making time to study the bible and pray is important, and yet again, I don’t do enough of either. So I must do better for my own sake. I love reading the Psalms as it contains so much wisdom for living everyday life to the full. That is what God wants for us. It is the gift we have been given – afterall we have just celebrated Christmas, the birth of Christ the greatest gift. I am a member of Kingsgate Cambridge where I am fed spiritually, and am part of a larger Kingsgate family (one church four centres). There are smaller bible study groups all round the district and city that meet weekly and I am blessed to have one near.


The tradition of making new year resolution(s) is good, but do it only if you mean it. It is easy to make one or more resolutions, and even easier to break. If it encourages you to start the year off on the right foot, by all means, make one or two but have the determination to see it or them through.

I believe that our wellbeing is the key to enjoying your everyday life. The resolution, if you want to call it that, is to do what we need to do, to get it right. Be bold, be strong, be balanced.

Please feel free to share this article with someone close to you who would benefit from lessons I have learnt and shared here. Thank you.

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