District Council Elections 2022
All 45 South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) seats went up for election on Thursday 5th May 2022 in the 4-year election cycle that started in 2018. The Liberal Democrats retain administration of SCDC by gaining 6 seats to a total of 37.
Scrubs For Cambridgeshire Needs You Today
Scrubs for Cambridgeshire is a non-profit organisation started when the pandemic hit in early 2020. Based in offices at Childerley Estates, it is doing good work in providing scrubs for our NHS staff free, and now helping others with sewing activities to help with their mental health. They now need you if they are to […]
Development Proposal for 74 homes in Highfields Caldecote rejected by Planning Committee
South Cambs Planning Committee yesterday refused an application by Linden Homes to build 74 homes on a site off Highfields Road Caldecote. That is because it did not meet Local Plan and Village Design Guide policies.
Green Planning Proposals Protects Villages
The First Proposals Consultation for the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan concluded on 13 December 2021 after a 6-week public engagement period. Thank you to all who took the time to read the consultation documents and send in their comments.
Water Resources East Consulting on Water Resources Plan for Eastern England
Water Resources East yesterday launched their much awaited consultation on the emerging Water Resources Regional Plan for Eastern England. The Plan proposes medium to long term solutions for meeting the water supply needs of South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City.
First Proposals Consultation for Local Plan Have You Had Your Say?
The First Proposals Preferred Options consultation opened to the public on 1st November 2021. The two councils South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City are asking residents in the Greater Cambridge Area for their views on the proposals put forward for developing the area for the 20 year period from 2020 to 2041.
South Cambridgeshire Residents Encouraged to Engage with Local Plan Consultation
Lots of people ask why they should bother responding to a Council consultation. After all, it doesn’t make any difference, does it? All those bureaucrats have already made up their minds, and they’ll just steam ahead regardless. I understand the sentiment which is based on past experience with previous local plans. But this time, it […]
First Proposals for Greater Cambridge Local Plan Published for Consultation
The Greater Cambridge Local Plan aims to identify development needs of our area, where they should be met and how they should be met. The documents released today for public engagement show the first ideas of policies and sites that we propose to use to meet the needs identified.
COVID vaccines offered to 12-15 year olds in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust is now offering Covid-19 vaccines to 12-15 year olds at large scale vaccination centers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Mike Passfield, Clinical Operations Director for the Large Scale Vaccination Centres run by the Trust said: “We are pleased to be offering one dose of the vaccine to all 12-15 year olds […]